The Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society--美国化学会有机化学分会



  The ACS Organic Chemistry Division (ORGN) was officially established in 1910 (chaired by Edward Curtis Franklin).

  Division Officers

  A historical list of all the Division’s Officers since 1925 is now available as aMS Excel File. The current list of officers including their contact information is available on theExecutive Committee Page.

  ORGN Archives Available at the Chemical Heritage Foundation

  The Division of Organic Chemistry (ORGN) archives have been transferred to theChemical Heritage Foundation(CHF). These archives currently cover the period from 1935 until 1983. Highlights include scrap books containing forms, reports, memos and other divisional documents kept by six secretary-treasurers covering a 30 year period from 1934 to 1964: Ralph L. Shriner (1934-39), Arthur C. Cope (1939-1944), Ralph W. Bost (1944-1949), Nelson J. Leonard (1950-1954), William E. Parham (1954-1959) and Herbert O. House (1959-1964). The archives also contain records of the National Organic Symposium from 1937-1983 and many other documents related to the functioning of the division. Afinding aidprovides more details. Please contact the secretary-treasurer, if you have records or papers that you would like to transfer to the archives so they will be accessible to those interested in the activities of ORGN.